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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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DénutCOVID - Nutritional evaluation of COVID patients hospitalised in the COVID units at St VINCENT Hospital.

Head : Dr Cortet Arnaud

Version 1


Last update : 05/07/2021

DénutCOVID - Nutritional evaluation of COVID patients hospitalised in the COVID units at St VINCENT Hospital.

Head : Dr Cortet Arnaud

Main objective

Evaluate the initial nutritional status of COVID patients hospitalised in standard COVID units (not in intensive care units).

Inclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria:
o Patient admitted to a standard hospital department within the past 72 hrs,
o Age > 18 years,
o Covid-19 diagnosis confirmed by positive RT-PCR
o Patient agreeing to take part in the study
o Patient registered with a social security scheme

Exclusion criteria:
o Prior hospitalisation in critical care (intensive care unit) for more than 72 hours due to the risk of biased nutritional status analysis.

Psy-GIPO2C - Psychiatry Professionals and Covid 19 in Europe: Psychological Impact Management and Crisis and Post-Crisis Organisation

Head : Frédéric DENIS

Version 1


Last update : 01/09/2021

Psy-GIPO2C - Psychiatry Professionals and Covid 19 in Europe: Psychological Impact Management and Crisis and Post-Crisis Organisation

Head : Frédéric DENIS

Main objective

The project will provide an intelligent, European-wide perspective, to enable the sharing of innovative practices in a very operational manner.

Inclusion criteria

Approximately 2,000 psychiatric care professionals,

CANNAVID - Study on the impact of Covid-19 on use, practices and health among regular cannabis users

Head : Roux Perrine , UMR 1252 SESSTIM

Version 1


Last update : 05/06/2021

CANNAVID - Study on the impact of Covid-19 on use, practices and health among regular cannabis users

Head : Roux Perrine , UMR 1252 SESSTIM

Main objective

Evaluate the impact of the different lockdowns on cannabis use practices among daily users, psychoactive substance use and the onset of related symptoms (withdrawal, pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression).

Inclusion criteria

Daily cannabis users or individuals having taken part in the previous CANNAVID series for questionnaires completed from the second lockdown;
Aged over 18 years;
Able to understand French;
Residing in France;
Agreeing to take part in the study and having expressed their non-objection.

ECHO - Perceptions and impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in housing facilities for socially excluded individuals

Head : MELCHIOR Maria, Pierre Louis Institute for Epidemiology and Public Health/Inserm UMR_S 1136
DUCARROZ Simon, Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE) INSERM U1290

Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

ECHO - Perceptions and impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in housing facilities for socially excluded individuals

Head : MELCHIOR Maria, Pierre Louis Institute for Epidemiology and Public Health/Inserm UMR_S 1136
DUCARROZ Simon, Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE) INSERM U1290

Main objective

Describe the state of health, knowledge, perceptions and practices relating to COVID-19 infection and its prevention, among vulnerable individuals housed in facilities run by associations

Inclusion criteria

Population inclusion criteria:
- aged over 18 years
- not presenting any cognitive impairment or learning disorders
- residing in housing facilities
- in the Ile-de-France, Lyon and Strasbourg regions

NutriCoviD30 - Food intake and weight loss in the course of COVID-19 infection. A longitudinal study of the multicenter NutriCoviD30 cohort

Head : Marie-France Vaillant, Nutrition

Version 1


Last update : 01/13/2021

NutriCoviD30 - Food intake and weight loss in the course of COVID-19 infection. A longitudinal study of the multicenter NutriCoviD30 cohort

Head : Marie-France Vaillant, Nutrition

Main objective

The aim of this study was to describe the nutritional impact of COVID-19 infection on adult inpatients on the short- to mid-term (up to 30 days after hospital discharge), using food intake and weight measurements. It also aimed to identify factors associated with a decrease in food intake and weight.

Inclusion criteria

- Adults inpatients with a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19
- 30 days delay after discharge from hospital
- information and no opposition for data collection and call interview

VIGIL - Use of PCR-SARS-CoV-2 in Children (VIGIL)

Head : JUNG Camille

Version 1


Last update : 05/05/2021

VIGIL - Use of PCR-SARS-CoV-2 in Children (VIGIL)

Head : JUNG Camille

Main objective

Percentage of patients positive for Covid-19

Inclusion criteria

Children <15 years
indication for PCR or rapid antigen test for Covid-19

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